Excerpts from New Indian Express (29th September 2020)

Over the years, the definition of home has transcended from its literal sense — of being made of four walls and metamorphosed into a feeling — one that takes you beyond its brick and mortar facade. For some, it could be a haven, an abode of entertainment, a place to just ‘crash’, a person whoContinue reading “Excerpts from New Indian Express (29th September 2020)”

Excerpts from Hindu MetroPlus Interview (April 30, 2020)

https://www.thehindu.com/photos/chennai-photo-biennale-holds-online-workshops-for-teenagers/article31473112.ece 1. Can you begin by elaborating on CPB’s efforts with education since it’s inception? How has the city’s response been to this, so far?  The Education program of the CPB Foundation was developed in response to the first edition of the Biennale. We felt the absence of a grassroots outreach student program that wouldContinue reading “Excerpts from Hindu MetroPlus Interview (April 30, 2020)”