Space and Composition (3 of 3)

This topic is split into three parts:Part 1: Introduction to space, positive and negative spacePart 2: Two and three-dimensional space, ground (foreground, middle ground and background)Part 3: Perspective, rule of thirds, golden ratio Perspective Till now, in the first two parts of this series, we have looked at space in terms of positive and negativeContinue reading “Space and Composition (3 of 3)”

Space and Composition (2 of 3)

This topic is split into three parts:Part 1: Introduction to space, positive and negative spacePart 2: Two and three-dimensional space, ground (foreground, middle ground and background)Part 3: Perspective, rule of thirds, golden ratio Two and Three-Dimensional Space In the first part of this blog series, we looked at positive and negative space and how theContinue reading “Space and Composition (2 of 3)”

Space and Composition (1 of 3)

This topic is split into three parts:Part 1: Introduction to space, positive and negative spacePart 2: Two and three-dimensional space, ground (foreground, middle ground and background)Part 3: Perspective, rule of thirds, golden ratio We spend our time everyday existing in this world, in a space that is tangible but also ephemeral. The air that surrounds you,Continue reading “Space and Composition (1 of 3)”